Here at Innova, patient safety is our top priority. We know that long waits and high left without being seen (LWBS) rates put patients at risk – and we work diligently to maintain outstanding performance in these metrics. We recently acquired a hospital contract at a site that sees approximately 12,000 patients per year. The Emergency Department layout is ideal with plenty of space to accommodate the volume, but when our partnership began, the Door to Provider times and LWBS numbers were unacceptably high.
An astonishing 9.6% of the patients were leaving without ever being seen. Patients were languishing in the waiting room with average wait times of nearly 1 hour. The general culture was that nothing could be done.
Within 60 days, our average wait time dropped by 60% to just 20 minutes. The LWBS rate fell from 9.6% to <2% (an 80% improvement) and patient satisfaction scores have skyrocketed.
Contact us if you are interested in learning more about how Innova partners with hospitals to deliver world-class care to patients!