Through innovative ideas and best-in-class approaches, our providers help hospitals around the country transform their emergency departments.
We’re Creating the Next Generation of Physicians and Allied Health Providers
Innova operates differently than other emergency medicine groups – that includes taking a fresh, independent approach to staffing our team. If you’re driven to contribute to something bigger than yourself, you’re in the right place.
Innova seeks out providers who appreciate:
Caring for patients who genuinely appreciate you
Working on a team that values your input
Being paid fairly for working hard and a strong work/life balance
Playing an integral part in changing the face of emergency medicine
We Build Lasting Partnerships
Innova excels at implementing new ways of thinking about physician staffing, accountability, and culture. Our physicians prove that better patient care, higher ROI, and positive community impact are eminently attainable no matter the size of your hospital. When you partner with Innova, you create a relationship that provides value beyond your bottom line.
Our Services
World-Class Emergency Medicine
We recruit and retain high-quality, board-certified physicians and experienced Allied Health Providers who are committed to bringing cutting-edge medicine to your community.

A Customizable Option that Meets your Needs
In partnership, we tailor a solution to meet the exact needs of your hospital, whether it’s staffing a handful of shifts per month or managing your entire emergency department.

We Help You Run a Stronger Emergency Department
Our team works collaboratively with your business office to ensure that we’re helping you capture the information necessary to code and bill accurately. Combining metrics with high aptitude reporting technologies fosters an enhanced patient experience while increasing your revenue.

Innova Blog

We offer true partnership, streamlining your emergency department processes and improving the quality of care regardless of your community’s size. Let’s work together.